Peace? Pipe Dream
Little kid in school
Learned about the government
Erasing Americans from their homes
So foreigners can call it their own
Learned about a man
Who stood up to the aliens
Tried to lead his people to liberation
Says, “Mommy that’s my hero,
Can I be him for Halloween?”
Left says, “Not on my watch
You can’t be so offensive
Think of all those Americans
And all of their hurt feelings
Cancel the kid, cancel Halloween
Not on my watch”
Right says, “Not on my watch
This little kid needs a lesson
And this school needs new rules
This class is now history
Think of all our hurt feelings
Not on my watch”
Meanwhile mommy goes
To where the Americans were slain
It’s a Walmart today
No luck finding her kid’s hero cape
Before she leaves she sees
“Sexy Pocahontas Outfit with Tomahawk and Headband”
Made in China, $59.99
These prices, my god
She’ll wear this to her adult Halloween party
Where they’ll drink and pass around the peace pipe
And people have so many opinions
Peace pipe dream
This is my tribe
This is the right way
No, not on my watch
No, not on my watch
Peace pipe dream